Tuesday, December 16, 2008

TJ was a smart man

Thomas Jefferson once said, "The course of history has shown that as government grows, liberty decreases."

There's a reason that the saying "never discuss religion and politics" is known by most everyone. I'm usually the last person that wanted to have a political discussion; it just wasn't something that interested me that much. Political science and I never mixed. However, I find myself feeling a bit "randy" today, so here goes:

* no "Randys" were assaulted (verbally or otherwise) as a result of this post *

It seems that some people nowadays, no matter what their viewpoints are, get really upset and challenge you if you have a different political perspective from their own. It's gotten much worse over the past 10 years, but maybe that's because I didn't pay much attention back then. Now that I'm older, I've started to notice more and have a better perspective of the political world around me.

For full-disclosure, I am what most would call a conservative-libertarian (if there is such a thing). I like the idea of smaller government, individual freedoms and rights, lower taxes, protecting our borders, living to the words of the constitution, and a kick-ass military among other things. However, I understand the need of multi-party politics in our country and appreciate differences of opinions. I think people should be able to work together to get to a desired result.

I get really tired of watching shows on TV or listening to the radio where both sides of the fence do nothing but say how bad the other side is and who did what to who and yada-yada-yada. Let's focus on the future, shall we?

I didn't vote for Obama, but it's not because I wanted McCain per se. When looking at the information I had on Obama, it just wasn't something I'd look for in a president (hence the TJ quote above). However, now that he's been voted in as president, let's see what he can do. Just like people now have BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome), there are going to be those that will be totally against anything Obama. I'm not of that ilk. I certainly want Obama to be successful because it reflects upon our country and I'd like to see the USA get back to prominence again. No, I'm not talking about what other countries think about us; I could give a rat's ass what anyone thinks about our country - screw them if they don't like us. What I would like to see is for people (in general) to begin feeling good about their country again and doing what they can to help others while also helping themselves. I am an American and proud of it, beeeotch!

Speaking of that, I'd like to give a shout-out to anyone currently serving or previously served in the US military - YOU ROCK! My dad was a drill sergeant in the Army and served in Vietnam, and his father-in-law was a lifer in the Navy and served in Korea (and I believe WWII). If I had any sense at all when I was young I probably would've joined myself, but I clearly didn't have respect for that type of authority then and wanted to get away from it as soon as I could. The things you learn as you get older, eh? With age comes wisdom . . . and a bigger belly. I have the utmost respect for everyone that has served their country and wish you the best.

One of the things I believe has changed dramatically over the past decade or so is how people/groups are so easily offended these days. People are now going out of their way to find something that offends them and then raise a big stink about it. It's as if some people just live and wait to be offended. Whether it be something concerning race, religion, gender, "sexual preference," or whatever. Maybe I should be offended about Big Bird because he has big feet and I have big feet, so therefore Sesame Street thinks that people with big feet are like Big Bird?!?! AHHHH!!! I'm calling PBS RIGHT NOW! Here's a suggestion: live your life!

Hell, you watch some of the cartoons when I was a kid and try to imagine them being made now. Hmmm, "what makes the red man red" was a good one in Peter Pan. Think that would fly now? Ummmm, NO. What about those black crows in the Dumbo movie? Stereotyping? Hmmm.

Now, if you read a review on most any current show or movie, there's going to be some person or group claiming that they're offended because of something that was said or what they think was inferred. Even Iran was "insulted" because a character in the upcoming movie The Wrestler is named Ayatollah!! Who freaking cares what Iran thinks about an American movie?!?! If I recall, don't they have TV shows that talk about Jews are dogs and should be killed?!

Just take a chill pill, people. It'll be okay. I promise, if you take a deep breath and worry about the things you can control, everything will be just fine.

Anyway, enough with the ranting and raving. Let's all just get along, okay? And if you can't, then SCREW YOU!


cw2smom said...

Hi Carson, I am here via your deflowering comment on Brandi's blog! LOL! Any friend of Brandi's is a friend of mine! So...hello! Love this post! I would describe my political views pretty darn close to yours! Oh...and I am an ARMY mom! My son is a Kiowa Helicopter pilot, about to deployed to Afghanistan within days of his second son's birth! He did a year in Iraq already and is a double Air Medal of Valor recipient! Yeah. I am proud! Take care! Lisa

Brandi said...

Hahaha Lisa called you out on that comment. Which was very funny by the way, I almost choked from laughter.

I've learned never to discuss politics, I never seem to agree with who I am around. I will say Clinton had my vote from the start though. ; ) People get to wild about being "right" ... I think each party has something to offer either way. Who knows though, I'm just a "youngin."


Brandi said...

ps, you go from a mullet to a mowhawk (sp?)????

LOL : )

Brandi said...

lol, You are hilarious Carson. : )

Thank you for being the only man to notice my hard work. : D

Sleep tight!

Scott said...

Really good post Carson. I have nothing but respect for the men and women of our military. I remember sitting on the patio years ago having a "discussion" where you were making the point that Al Gore was the most qualified candidate to become our next president. Guess we do all get older, wiser and fatter. Well, some people just get older and fatter.

Anonymous said...

Carson, Carson, Carson...
so much to learn, child.


you will love flickr cuz you can post pictures of your cute kid.

www.twitter.com - see what it's all about by going here:

really funny shit like this:
and yes, by funny, i mean...so...so...wrong....but funny.

my twitter is www.twitter.com/missamymac - i am also funny...but wrong.

and if you don't know about hulu...lord! don't get me started.

oh yeah...good blog post too, blah blah blah

Brandi said...

Well, we don't want you turning into a woman so I'll just have to start talking about Beer, Babes and Sex.

We'll get you back to normal fast!

- Brady ... yeah Brady will be my guy name. ; )

Chris said...

I was about to write something like this today after seeing that people were upset about Rick Warren being invited to do the invocation for Obama's swearing in, because he's against same sex marriage. It's a freaking prayer, he's not being named to a post on the cabinet! People want you to respect other people's opinion until that opinion differs with your own?!?!?!

Great post, Sonny D Lite.

Allison said...

I do agree with you. I am not a Bush fan but I have no problem with anyone having their opinion as long as they respect mine. I have already heard people bashing Obama without giving him a chance. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you have a happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

And THAT, Dear Carson, is the problem...no baby batter...SOOOOO - if you know of any really smart-funny and faithful good guys...hook a snarky sister up...would ya?! What's a girl gotta do to get a referral around this place?!

Chelle said...

so, if I don't get along with anyone I can get screwed?

That solves it then, I hate all equally! ::gets the box o condoms::